Previous Guild recce itinerariesFor those who went, a reminder of the places / stands visited and for those who did not, hopefully some useful information Belgium Ypres (2024) France – Normandy Normandy “Behind the Beaches -1 (2011)Normandy “Behind the Beaches – 2 (2012)Normandy (2013)Normandy (2014)Normandy (2023) France – other WW2 Fall of France (2011)Dieppe (2012)Ardennes (2015) France – Western Front WW1 Somme (2013)BEF 1915 (2015)Op. Micheal (2017)Verdun (2018)Somme (2021) Germany Berlin (2019)Berlin Cold War (2023) Mediterranean Gibraltar (2017)Malta (2021) Netherlands Arnhem (2016)Op. Market Garden (2024) Portugal Wellington’s Portugal (2022) Spain Wellington’s Way (2018)Redcoats in the Pyrenees (2019)Wellington’s Way (2023) United Kingdom Fall of Mercia (2020)Special Forces (2021)