Join The International Guild Of Battlefield Guides
New members are always welcome in the Guild. Whether you’re currently a guide, an aspiring guide or simply someone interested in the history of warfare and battles, come and join us!
There are two categories of Membership of the Guild of Battlefield Guides. Individuals join as Ordinary and then, if they choose, can progress through to Accredited Member on successful completion of validation under our Accreditation Programme.
It’s easy to apply – just complete the form below then pay the appropriate subscription by BACS or PayPal (see bank details below) with reference to your name. As part of the process select a password of your choice to use and this will be activated when your membership is confirmed and allow you access to the members area.
Subscription Fees
The annual membership fee is £90 and membership runs from April to March each year. If you join the Guild after April in any year the membership fee for the first year reduces depending on the month in which you join. If you join during March in any year the fee paid covers you for the following membership year:
Membership Application
Once your application has been processed you will receive your members welcome pack.
Your Guild Log Book and Membership details
A Guild Members pin badge
A Guild tie
The latest edition of the Guild Magazine – Despatches
You will also start to receive the Guild Update each week. This contains current news and information for members. Shortly afterwards you will get your membership password which will allow you to access the members area of the website.
How to Pay Your Membership Subscription
The easiest way to pay is to use our online shop. Buying this virtual product will pay your subscription to the end of March of the current subscription year.
Alternatively, use one of the following methods.
The International Guild of Battlefield Guides Ltd
GB56 LOYD 3090 9033 7835 68
Lloyds Bank PLC, 30 Corporation Street, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 1EN, UK
PLEASE NOTE the if you pay your subscription or for merchandise via PayPal, you must also pay the Guild’s PayPal fees (currently 3.4% + 20p per transaction) in addition to the charge.