As a professional organisation, the Guild seeks to analyse, develop and raise the understanding, practice and profession of battlefield guiding and to promote the education of battlefield visitors and students in military heritage.
The Code of Conduct (made under the Guild Constitution) lays down ten standards of professional conduct and practice expected of all Members of the Guild, whatever their grade or level of membership.
Promoting respect
Standard 1: The Guild expects Members to treat all other Members, their own clients, members of the public, and the Guild itself with respect in their acts and communications in whatever form they take.
Promoting professional attitudes
Standard 2: The Guild expects Members to uphold the reputation and dignity of the profession of battlefield guiding and the of Guild.
Standard 3: The Guild expects Members to act ethically and with integrity, and to observe all relevant legal, health, safety and safe-guarding rules and requirements (including specific site rules) when guiding.
Promoting professional competence
Standard 4: Members should only undertake professional work for which they are able to provide proper professional and technical competence, and resources.
Standard 5: The Guild expects Members to maintain and develop their professional competence in areas relevant to their professional work.
Promoting trust in professional relationships
Standard 6: The Guild expects Members to organise and manage their professional work responsibly and with integrity and having regard to the interests of their clients.
Standard 7: Members of the Guild should only promote their professional services in a truthful and responsible manner and such promotion shall not be an attempt to subvert professional work from another Member.
Standard 8: The Guild expects Members to ensure that their personal and professional finances are managed prudently and to comply with any relevant legislation for protection of clients in the course of business.
Standard 9: The Guild expects Members to have adequate and appropriate Liability Insurance cover for their professional work.
Standard 10: The Guild expects that any complaints concerning the professional work of individual Members or their business received by the Member or his or her business should be dealt with promptly and appropriately by the Member.
The Guild has a Complaints Policy whereby allegations of unprofessional conduct by Members can be investigated by the Guild.
If you believe that a Member has fallen short of the Guild’s Code of Conduct, click here for details of whether you can and how to complain about a Guild Member.
Click the button above for decisions of the Guild in respect of Code of previous Conduct Complaints
If you have Safeguarding issues or concerns - please read this
If you have any safeguarding issues or concerns about a Guild Member in relation to a child under the age of 18 years or a vulnerable adult, you may contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead to discuss or report those issues or concerns.
Use this link for details as to how to contact us in this regard and for more details of our Safeguarding Policy