Guild Partners Scheme

Guild Partners are Commercial and Non Commercial organisations who wish to be associated with the Guild and have been awarded the right to use the Guild Partner Logo on successful application and payment of an appropriate fee.

The Guild Partner Scheme is a commitment made by commercial and non-commercial organisations, that have an affinity and/or synergy to the International Guild of Battlefield Guides, to promote and support the Guild’s aims and its members. These aims are encapsulated in the Guild’s vision and mission statements.

The Guild’s Vision is to be the most relevant and diverse organisation representing its membership within the battlefield guiding industry.

The Guild’s Mission is:

  • To assist Guild Members to be responsible, skilled, and successful battlefield guides and/or other industry professionals.
  • To give an employer the means to make an informed choice when employing such battlefield guides.


The intent of the scheme is to transmit the Guild’s aims across the international battlefield tour industry by forging closer links with tour operators, coach companies, tourist boards, local tourist offices, trade bodies, and other related enterprises and organisations, while providing opportunities for the Guild’s members to work and/or gain experience within that sector.

Guiding and Associated Businesses

The aim is to create reciprocal business opportunities for both parties whilst supporting the Guild’s drive to raise the standards within the battlefield guiding profession and add value to its membership.

Non-commercial Organisations

Organisations that have a synergy with the Guild, for example battlefield conservation bodies, history societies, tourist boards, local tourist offices, and trade bodies, can also apply to the Guild for Guild Partner status.  In addition to those criteria for commercial Partners which are appropriate for any non-commercial Partner, those annotated NCP are available to non-commercial Partners only.  These criteria are not finite and the most appropriate level of partnership will be agreed beforehand.

Guild Partner Criteria

To become a Guild Partner, an organisation must:

  1. Have an affinity and/or synergy to IGBG
  2. Commit to support the Guild’s aims
  3. Undertake, wherever practicable, to provide opportunities for the Guild’s members to work and/or gain experience within the battlefield touring industry
  4. Promote, wherever practicable, the use of Guild members as battlefield guides and/or tour managers.

Guild Partner Benefits

The benefits of becoming a Guild Partner are:

Raising your organisation’s corporate profile by:

o      Demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to excellence within the battlefield touring industry

o      Creating an opportunity to amplify your brand, powerfully and creatively, through association with the International Guild of Battlefield Guides.

Networking through access to:

o      The Guild’s network of battlefield guides and tour managers

o      Key decision makers within the battlefield touring industry.

Guild Partner Contract

To become a Guild Partner, an organisation is required to enter into a contract with the Guild. In doing so, they commit to the four Guild Partner Criteria and relevant Level of Commitment as set out below. The contract will detail this commitment, set out the benefits enjoyed by the Guild Partner, and include a periodic review of their status.

Levels of Commitment

There are three levels of commitment that a Guild Partner can make, Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Bronze Level

This is the basic level that an organisation can become a Guild Partner. To become a Bronze Guild Partner, an organisation must:

  • Demonstrate their support by publicising that commitment on their website and within their business literature
  • Place a reciprocal link on their website to the Guild’s website.

By becoming a Bronze Guild Partner, the organisation will:

  • Be able to use the Bronze Guild Partners’ logo on their website and in their advertising campaigns
  • Have a reciprocal link via the inclusion of their name under the Bronze Partners’ section of the Guild Partners’ Directory on the Guild’s website that includes their name, logo and a brief statement
  • Be able to send up to two delegates to the Guild’s Annual Conference and Awards Dinner at the same rate as Guild members.

Silver Level

This is the intermediate level at which an organisation can become a Guild Partner. To become a Silver Guild Partner, an organisation must:

  • Fulfil the criteria for a Bronze Guild Partner

PLUS at least one of the following:

  • Have at least one employee who is a member of the International Guild of Battlefield Guides
  • Commit to using Guild members, wherever practicable, as guides and tour managers within their battlefield tour programme
  • Commit to providing opportunities for Guild members, wherever practicable, to gain experience as guides and/or tour managers
  • Commit to providing opportunities for Guild members, wherever practicable, to develop their guiding skills
  • Offer discounts on their goods and/or services to the Guild’s members
  • Have a reciprocal arrangement with the Guild for attending events (NCP)
  • Use Guild members in a voluntary capacity (NCP).

By becoming a Silver Guild Partner, the organisation will:

  • Be able to use the Silver Guild Partners’ logo on their website and in their advertising campaigns
  • Have a reciprocal link via the inclusion of their name and company logo under the Silver Partners’ section of the Guild’s Partners Directory on the Guild’s website that includes their name, logo and a brief statement
  • Regular re-tweets on the Guild’s Twitter feed
  • Regular posts on the Guild’s Facebook page
  • Be able to send up to two delegates to the Guild’s Annual Conference and Awards Dinner at the same rate as Guild members.

Gold Level

This is the top level at which an organisation can become a Guild Partner. To become a Gold Guild Partner, an organisation must:

  • Fulfil the criteria for a Silver Guild Partner

PLUS at least one of the following:

  • Demonstrate that it regularly uses Guild members, that are not proprietors or directors of the organisation, as guides and/or tour managers within their battlefield tour programme
  • Demonstrate that it provides opportunities for Guild members, that are not proprietors or directors of the organisation, to gain experience
  • Demonstrate that it provides opportunities for Guild members, that are not proprietors or directors of the organisation, to develop their guiding skills
  • Sponsor a Guild event
  • Sponsor at least two Guild members who are undertaking, or have completed, the Accreditation Programme (NCP).

A Gold Guild Partner must confirm annually to the Guild that they are fulfilling of their qualifying criteria (The Guild Secretary will remind you).

By becoming a Gold Guild Partner, the organisation will:

  • Be able to use the Gold Guild Partners’ logo on their website and in their advertising campaigns
  • Have their company logo displayed in the Guild Partners section on the home page of the Guild’s website
  • Have a reciprocal link to their website via an entry under the Gold Partners’ section of the Guild Partners’ Directory on the Guild’s website that includes their name, logo and a brief statement
  • Regular re-tweets on the Guild’s Twitter feed
  • Regular posts on the Guild’s Facebook page
  • Have a complimentary quarter page advert included within the Guild’s Despatches Magazine (Artwork will be the responsibility and at the cost of the Guild Partner)
  • Have access to the on-line Guild’s Despatches Magazine which they are free to use for promotional purposes
  • Receive one copy of any hardcopy version, that may be produced from time-to-time, of the Guild’s Despatches Magazine which they are free to use for promotional purposes
  • Be able to send up to two delegates to the Guild’s Annual Conference and Awards Dinner at a discounted rate.

The Guild’s Benefits

  • Public recognition of the IGBG by the Guild Partners
  • Public support of the IGBG aims by the Guild Partners
  • Promotion of the use of the Guild’s members as battlefield guides and/or tour managers by Guild Partners
  • Opportunities for the Guild’s members to work, gain experience and develop within the battlefield guiding sector
  • A reciprocal link on the Guild Partners’ websites.

Application to become a Guild Partner

To receive an application form and documents pack, please email the Guild Secretary at

Potential Non-commercial Guild Partners should contact the Guild Secretary first in order to agree what would be the most appropriate for them Level to apply for.

Upon approval of your application, we very much look forward to welcoming your organisation as a Guild Partner and the development of a long and productive relationship between us.

Guild Partners’ Logos