A ‘traditional’ Guild weekend with a quiz, a wide variety of topics/sites and plenty of opportunity to socialise. Travel during the event will be self-drive. Some walking on rough tracks is involved, with one lung-busting hill well known to anyone who served at Bulford. A number of themes/subjects will be outlined for possible development into UK tours or preliminary to continental tours by Gareth Davies, Andy Johnson and Paul Oldfield.
Friday 7 September
Settle into accommodation (details to follow), assemble for drinks, dinner in a local pub/restaurant, followed by quiz (Ian Mitchell).
Saturday 8 September
360 degree view from Beacon Hill of sites of military importance including:
Snack lunch in Amesbury followed by:
Dinner in a local restaurant/hotel.
Sunday 9 September
Morning tour of sites involved in the invasion of Normandy, including:
If you wish to attend please contact Paul Oldfield – oldfield118@btinternet.com.