As in 2021, our Annual General Meeting, and the Awards Ceremony which follows it, will be conducted virtually. Links to both events have been published in the Members area of the Guild website (under the “2022 AGM” tab of the Governance page), and also circulated by email.
Annual General Meeting
Last minute registration for the AGM will always be possible but, in order to help the Membership Secretary (who must ensure that only paid-up members of the Guild are attending, and may vote), it would greatly assist the organisation of the event if you could register by no later than the evening of Friday 18 March.
The AGM will be held using the Demio Webinar platform. This platform is a little bit different from Zoom Meetings, but has been used successfully by the Validation Team for Assignment 1 validations for some eighteen months. If you have participated in, or watched, a validation recently, you may be familiar with the platform; it does not require members of the audience to download an app, and runs in your browser (Chrome is much the best one to use). In a Demio Webinar your camera and microphone feeds are automatically disabled; however, you will be able to vote on resolutions, or ask questions of the Management Board via the chat function. All of this will be explained to you when the meeting begins at 12 noon (UK time) on 20 March. You can join the AGM on either your desktop, laptop or mobile device.