As in 2021, the Awards Ceremony, which will follow our Annual General Meeting, will be conducted virtually. The link to join this event has been published in the Members area of the Guild website (under the “2022 AGM” tab of the Governance page), and also circulated by email.
The Awards Ceremony
The ceremony will begin thirty minutes after the end of the AGM; however, the room will open immediately after the AGM itself has finished. On entry into the ‘room’ you will automatically be allocated to tables (breakout rooms) of nine. After the ceremony has finished the event will remain open and you will be free to move tables as you wish. We would ask everyone to be in the room no later than ten minutes before the event begins. There is no requirement to pre-register for the Awards ceremony.
The application we will be using for the Awards ceremony is called Butter ( It works through your browser but, unlike Demio (which we are using for the AGM), Butter cannot be accessed via a mobile device (phone or tablet); it only works with desktop and laptop computers. More details of the browser requirements can be found below, but the preferred browser to use is Chrome. You can, if you wish, download the app onto your computer at no cost and this may be better for you (see System Requirements); however, this is optional and not essential. To repeat, you can access the event through your browser and you do not have to have the app.
Browser compatibility:
System Requirements