With the Guild’s intent to promote the validation journey to ‘The Badge’ a formal Annual Dinner for ‘Badged Guides’ of the Guild is held on a chosen Friday in August. Accredited Guides of the Guild who attend rendezvous in a Pub or Inn not knowing where they are going to dine nor who will host their evening.
Until 2017 the event has been held in London. In the past ‘Badged Guides have Dined at the follow establishments all of which have a which have intriguing connection to military history.
Accommodation is reserved for those who wish it at ‘Guild rates’ in the Union Jack Club. Details are published on the weekly update well in advance.
For further information contact the Event organiser Graeme Cooper cooper@waterlootours.co.uk
Do visit the Facebook ‘Badged Ones’ page for more information and pictorial history of past events.