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Explore the world’s most trusted directory of battlefield guides

The guide directory details all those Accredited Members who have chosen to advertise their expertise and services as guides on the Guild website.  Each of these has passed our Accreditation Programme in which they have demonstrated the skills needed for us to say that they are high-quality guides who will give you a great tour.

You can filter by battle/campaign or country and then click on the name of an Accredited Guide to read their biography. Most Accredited Guides have contact details by which you can contact them directly. If not, or if you want to pass a message to them, please contact them via the Guild Secretary  via our Contacts Page.

Many Guides can develop bespoke personalised tours and can research where particular ancestors might have fought or died. If you want to advice on following a particular ancestor and you have not identified a particular Accredited Guide, please contact the Guild Secretary. We guarantee we’ll have somebody that can help you!

Please note, the Guild does not recommend or endorse any of the commercial products or companies of the members listed below. We are not responsible for checking that those listed below have complied with the relevant legislation or regulations in the jurisdictions they are based or guide in. Many are members of ETOA or other local guiding associations and some have a local permit to work with children or vulnerable adults. But it is your responsibility to ensure they meet all the criteria you need for them to work with your group.

Finally, this list shows only our Accredited Guides. Our Ordinary Members are not listed here and if you would like to check whether a particular individual is a member of the Guild, or for any other further help, please contact the Guild Secretary via our Contacts Page.

Some of our Accredited Guides have experience of researching military aspects of family history, and may be able to assist with your genealogical enquiries.  A list of those members is here; if you would like to seek their assistance, contact details can be found by selecting their profile from those shown on this page.


Simon Browne

Accredited Guide Number: 116

Simon was an infantry officer for over 30 years.  A member of the Royal Anglian Regiment, he served on operations in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.  He has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, Master’s Degree in Military Studies and is a Graduate of the Advanced Command and Staff Course.

His fascination with touring battlefields began in 1977, when living in Germany he went to see the film a Bridge Too Far.  Then persuaded his father, a Royal Air Force officer, to take him to Arnhem to try and bring to life what he had just seen.  This interest further developed as student, studying for a History Degree at Portsmouth Polytechnic, where he organised his first Battlefield Tour, a trip with student friends to Normandy.  He was very lucky in that his military career really allowed him to indulge this passion, taking him on numerous Battlefield Tours and Staff Rides, In Europe, America, and as far afield as Vietnam and the Falkland Islands.

Currently Simon focuses on three main campaigns;  the Blitzkrieg of 1940, D-Day and the Normandy Campaign and the Ardennes Offensive, the ‘Battle of the Bulge’.

Simon Burgess

Accredited Guide Number: 108

Simon retired from the British Army in November 2022, and qualified as a badged guide (Badge 108) in May 2020.

He originally served in the Royal Air Force before leaving to pursue a career in the oil industry, and also serving as a reserve officer. Rather to his surprise he ended up joining the Regular Army 9 years ago.

Simon has served on operations in Gulf War 1, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Iraq (where he ran Basrah Fire Brigade) and twice as an aviation planner in Afghanistan (including with the US Marine Corps) and has worked at battlegroup, brigade and divisional level .

He has served as the Operations Officer in the Attack Helicopter Force HQ, and as the aviation specialist in the Collective Training Group at the Land Warfare Centre. He delivered training to brigade and division HQs, particularly in the use of aviation and air land integration.

Simon has recently guided tours to Normandy, Sicily and the Western Front battlefields of World War 1.

He is particularly interested in Normandy in WW2 (particularly the British 6th Airborne Division) and in all aspects of air power in WW1 and WW2.

He is also passionate about the American Civil War, particularly Gettysburg and the Eastern theatre battles.

American Civil WarBattle of the SommeNormandy Campaign...Normandy LandingsNormandy Preparations in UKOperation OverlordWWIWWIIYpres

BelgiumFranceUnited Kingdom...United States of America

Battlefield StudiesBespoke GroupClubs and Societies...FamiliesIndividualsMilitary & VeteranSchool GroupsSmall GroupsStaff Rides

Paul Colbourne

Accredited Guide Number: 113

Paul has had a life-long interest in military history and graduated in 2019 from the University of
Wolverhampton with a Masters degree in the History of Britain and the First World War. He has a
particular interest in the Western Front and has been visiting the battlefields for 30 years. He is a
freelance guide who works part time for a number of companies including Back-Roads Tours
focusing on Australian and New Zealand involvement during the First World War.
Paul is also a volunteer for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) Eyes On Hands
On project and is also a speaker on the CWGC Kantor Programme. He is a member of the
Western Front Association, Great War Group and the Hawthorn Ridge Crater Association.
Having progressed through the Accreditation process, Paul is now the proud holder of Badge
number 113.
‘Your depth of knowledge, presentation and empathy was much appreciated by everyone on the
tour’ – Guest – ANZAC’s on the Western Front Tour

ANZACS on the Western FrontBattle of the SommeBullecourt...FromellesMessinesNeuve ChappelleVillers-BretonneuxVimyVimy RidgeWWIYpres

BelgiumFranceWestern Europe

Adult Coach GroupsBattlefield WalksBespoke Group...Clubs and SocietiesCollege GroupsEvening PresentationsFamiliesIndividualsPilgrimage GroupsSchool GroupsSmall Groups

Sue King

Accredited Guide Number: 91

As a camp follower of an army officer father and army officer husband, Sue developed an interest in military history and battlefields. Her grandfather served with the Royal Horse Artillery in WW1 and her father with the Gordon Highlanders at the tail end of the Second World War. She has lived in several areas of ongoing conflict: Cyprus; Northern Ireland; Berlin and Korea where she was involved with the groups of returning Korean war veterans and their families on pilgrimage visits. She spent four years in the United States, visited 37 states and various American Civil War (and other) battlefields.  With her father and husband, she has lived in several parts of northern Germany. She joined the Guild in 2011 and became badged in 2019.

A qualified teacher for both primary and secondary pupils, with a BA Hons in Philosophy and politics, a PGCE, and an MPhil in History of Art, she has experience teaching and lecturing to school pupils, undergraduates, and interest groups.

Sue qualified as a City of London Guide in 2007 and a London Blue Badge Tourist Guide in 2009. She was course director for the London Blue Badge training course for six years and trained 120 guides. She also trains the site guides for Tower Bridge in London and is currently one of the course directors for the South East England Blue Badge training course.

Now qualified as a Blue Badge guide for most regions of England, she is accredited to guide many prestigious sites with battlefield connections such as the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Churchill War Rooms, IWM, NAM, HMS Belfast, Dover Castle, Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, Durham Cathedral, York Minster, Canterbury Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral, Rochester Cathedral, Hadrian’s Wall, several more castles and many art galleries and museums.

Sue has developed a wide range of walks and tours in London, and beyond, with war related themes such as the Duke of Wellington, Sir Winston Churchill, Blitzed Brits, WW1 and WW2 walks, Battle of Britain, The Art and Literature of War, Castles and Conflicts etc. She is happy to design a bespoke tour for a family or larger group.

In England, she has led tours connected to the Romans in Britain, Wars of the Roses, The English Civil War and Jacobite Rebellions. In France and Belgium, she has been involved as a guide in tours associated with the First World War poets and particularly with the war experiences of Wilfred Owen.

Second World War tours include sites connected to the Battle of Britain, the D Day Museum at Portsmouth, associated embarkment sites of allied troops, Bletchley Park, and several sites connected to specialist units such as the secret auxiliary units and commandos. She is a regular visitor to the D Day landing beaches in Normandy.

Graeme MacPherson

Accredited Guide Number: 115

Graeme is a serving Army officer with a background in military logistics. He has served full time and part time for over 34 years in a range of command and staff appointments.

He has been a member of the Guild of Battlefield Guides since 2014 and became a badged guide in 2021. His interest in the military started at a young age as he learned of the service of his grandfathers in the Second World War, one as a Royal Engineer, the other as a Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineer in 79th Armoured Division.

He has led a number of military group tours to the WW2 sites of Normandy, Monte Cassino, Sicily, Arnhem and Berlin before developing an interest in the Western Front during WW1.

Graeme has designed and led the Commonwealth Soldier programme taking school and community groups from SE England to the battlefields of France and Belgium to study the contributions made by Commonwealth troops in WW1. He has also delivered a number of tours in the UK and overseas has had the opportunity to lead a tour to the Falkland Islands. In 2018 he supported the Army Cadet Armistice 100 programme to the Somme and the National Muslim Armistice commemorations at Woking’s Indian Army Muslim burial ground memorial.

He is particularly interested in the human aspects of conflict and bringing the personal stories of those who served to life. In addition to leading groups, Graeme also has an interest in research and has delivered a number of WW1 community research projects, presentations and events as well as delivering individual bespoke research projects for families wanting to know more about their relatives.

He is a volunteer speaker for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and a member of the Western Front Association.

AnzioArnhemArras...Battle of AnzioBattle of SicilyBattle of the SommeDelville WoodDunkirkFalklands WarFall of BerlinLoosMonte CassinoNeuve ChappelleNormandy CampaignUK Home FrontYpres

BelgiumFalkland IslandsFrance...GermanyItalyUnited Kingdom

Adult Coach GroupsBattlefield WalksBespoke Group...Clubs and SocietiesCollege GroupsFamiliesIndividualsMilitary & VeteranPilgrimage GroupsSchool Groups

Joris Nieuwint

Accredited Guide Number: 112

My name is Joris Nieuwint and I will be your tour guide! For the past 14 years I have been a
resident of Veghel, located almost on top of Hell’s Highway. Before that I’ve lived in Arnhem for
almost two decades. Living so close to the battlefields meant that Operation Market Garden always
had my interest and I’ve been studying the battles for all those years. In 2012 I’ve taken up guiding
and have taken many individuals, small and large groups, relatives, school and military groups on
On my tours I share the history of the battles and the soldiers with the aim that the torch of
remembrance is passed on to the next generation.
We will visit the battlefields of Operation Market Garden (and others) and on site we will talk about
the history of what happened there, tell the stories of who fought there, and explain why this still
matters today. My words are supported by maps, photos, aerial photographs, audio and video to
give you the best possible experience.
We will discuss the big picture, why the operation was launched, what the goals were and how
they were to be achieved. Then we focus on what happened to the troops on the ground, what
were their experiences, what decisions were made that caused the outcomes and we reflect on the
human cost.
By the end of the tour I hope to have inspired you to pass on what you have learned, that you too
will help carry the torch and help keep the memories of their sacrifices alive.

ArdennesArnhemBand of Brothers...Battle of the BulgeEindhoven & NijmegenLiberation of the NetherlandsOperation Market GardenWWII


Adult Coach GroupsCollege GroupsEvening Presentations...FamiliesIndividualsMilitary & VeteranSchool GroupsStaff Rides

Brian Rogers

Accredited Guide Number: 109

I am a serving Army officer and qualified as a badged guide in May 2020.  I have served with the Household Cavalry both operationally and as a mounted cavalryman on state ceremonial and public duties, as well as working on the staff in the wider Army.  Military experience of the Middle East, Balkans and Afghanistan.

I have been visiting battlefields for many years and have led a number of small group tours, for military personnel, veterans and members of the general public.  Very interested in all matters involving the cavalry where I like to think I have a unique insight, as well as armoured operations where I also have significant practical knowledge.  I continue to develop and learn my craft, and I am currently studying for an MA in the History of Great Britain and the First World War.


EuropeUnited Kingdom

Adult Coach GroupsBattlefield StudiesBattlefield Walks...Bespoke GroupClubs and SocietiesCollege GroupsFamiliesIndividualsMilitary & VeteranPilgrimage GroupsReenactorsSchool GroupsStaff Rides

Robert Shaw

Accredited Guide Number: 106

Robert Shaw is an accredited Battlefield tour guide and has written military history books on the SAS, SOE and the Cold War. He retired from the British Army after a career spanning over 25 years where he worked in the fields of IEDD, logistics and intelligence, working for UKSF and DIS. He subsequently managed training for the UN and NATO in Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, Nigeria and Somalia. His battlefield tour expertise and experience includes the American Civil War, WW1, WW2 and the Cold War in UK, USA, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Sicily, Crete, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Poland and the Balkans. Robert has a Master’s degree in Global Security from Cranfield University and lectures at UCL on intelligence and defence matters and counter proliferation.

American Civil WarCold WarWWI...WWII

Adult Coach GroupsBattlefield StudiesBespoke Group...College GroupsMilitary & VeteranSchool GroupsStaff Rides

Glenn Stennes

Accredited Guide Number: 102

My fascination with military history ignited during my primary school years, thanks to a teacher who had been a Spitfire pilot in the Second World War. His stories were utterly captivating. In my early teens, I had joined the Air Cadets, firmly ensnaring my interest in the military. I enlisted in the Canadian Army, where I embarked on operational tours in Egypt, Israel (Golan Heights), and undertook two tours in the former Yugoslavia. My military career was diverse, ranging from instructing recruits, providing trades level training for soldiers, to conducting leadership training for NCOs and officers.

After my second tour in the former Yugoslavia, I transitioned to a role with the United Nations, which took me back to the Balkans. Here, I served in Croatia, Bosnia, and North Macedonia in senior management positions, further broadening my experience and understanding of international military operations.

Currently, I live in the Republic of North Macedonia, where my passion for military history continues to thrive. Remarkably, the Dojran Battlefield is literally in my backyard. I am proud to be a founding member and the President of the Macedonian Front Society, a local Non-Government Organisation dedicated to the protection, preservation, and promotion of the battlefields that remain from the Macedonian Campaign.

My expertise and primary interest lie in the Macedonian Campaign of 1915-1918, known by various names such as the Salonika Front, Front d’Orient, Southern Front, or Macedonian Front, depending on the country the soldiers who served were from.

This lesser-known campaign offers a rich and fascinating tour experience for anyone interested in the First World War. Whether you’re looking for a family pilgrimage or wish to conduct a detailed battlefield study, I am committed to providing a custom-designed tour that meets your specific interests and requirements.


GreeceRepublic of North Macedonia

Corporate ToursFamiliesIndividuals...Military & VeteranSmall Groups

Joël Stoppels

Accredited Guide Number: 70

Joël Stoppels is a battlefield guide and founder of the Battlefield Tours in the Netherlands. He did research in different allied operations during the Second World War in the Netherlands. By means of the Battlefield Tours he shares his knowledge with other people who are interested in the Second World War. “The battle to liberate Holland was so severe and heavy, it took so many lives, that it should not be forgotten”, is Joël’s conviction.  In the summer of 2012 he started with guided tours under the name ‘Battlefield Tours Groningen’.

The young historian has a mission: he believes it is very important to keep the memories of the war alive. Every year there are less people who actually experienced the war. Young people should be aware that freedom is the most important condition for individuals and for a country. It can be lost very quickly, but you do not get it back easily. In the Second World War soldiers from other countries helped us, they did fight for our freedom and many died for it. Let us never forget and be grateful that we live in freedom in this country until today.

Joël Stoppels organizes battlefield tours for military and civilian groups on Market Garden, the 1st British Airborne division, the 101st and 82nd US Airborne Divisions, the French SAS participation in Operation Amherst in April 1945 and the Canadian operations in the Netherlands and Germany (March/ April 1945).

Besides being a member of the International Guild of Battlefield Guides with badge no. 70, he is also the coordinator for the international guide network of the Liberation Route Europe.